Home Alone
MORE PHOTOS Ruksar, with the baby planted firmly on her hip, pointed to the pot sitting on the floor. I glanced down at the thick, brown...

Shalu's Spirit
MORE PHOTOS Avoiding the brown door with the small cut out window rimmed in black challenges all of us. We walk by it a hundred times a...

To Be Loved
MORE PHOTOS Over the coming weeks we will be interviewing every woman working for GCB/DWP and bringing you their stories. Tears roll down...

MORE PHOTOS Six year old Suman worked at scratching shapes and lines on the metal pipe with a piece of cold charcoal from a lane way...

Kum Kum is missing.
MORE PHOTOS My feet pounded the pavement as my eyes frantically searched the roadway. I stopped abruptly when I saw a young child...

Ganesh Singh
MORE PHOTOS Rain pelts the window of the ambulance, tired windshield wipers creak and groan, frantically sweeping across the foggy...

Ashwini & Boomi
MORE PHOTOS Boomi's tiny fingers grasp the rusted metal edge of her tin doorway. Just outside, a dog lazing on the pipeline growls but...

Moving Day
MORE PHOTOS Sidestepping Haadrik, I (Kane) grabbed the man by the back of the neck and pushed him forcefully away from the two women. One...

Moshin's Mistake
MORE PHOTOS The clack of my flip flops echo off the dimly lit stairway as I take two steps at a time. I rush past an altar and the flames...

Garbage To Garden
MORE PHOTOS SEE PHOTOS OF THE COMPLETED GARDEN PROJECT I'm sitting by the window in my apartment watching a hawk glide by, listening to...